
Windmill Palm Tree - Planting and Growing

Windmill Palms are one of the most cold hardy palms. They grow slowly, about one foot each year, that contribute to windmill palms cold hardiness. The windmill palm characteristic that makes them  cold hardy is the fibers that cover their trunk like a wool covering in winter, also the dark color of the fibers attracts the sun light warmth.

Soils of most types are suitable for growing windmill palms as long as the soil has capability to drain well. The mixture of 20% of sand and 80% of dirt will help to drain better in the home garden case. Besides they are striking beauty, windmill palms also have high tolerance on frost and salt and have very few insect and disease problems.

The windmill Palm tree grows best in partial sun light, it can grow even in direct sunlight but this tree needs adequate moisture because irregular watering and drought slows the growth rate dramatically. For obtain best results water it every other day in the first three months, and weekly for the remainder of its first year.

Even if windmill palm trees can survive very cold temperatures you need to protect them during the winter period. Cold winds can damage the windmill palm tree tissue and slow down root growth which makes them susceptible to diseases. To avoid this problem take a burlap bag and wrap the truck of the tree to make a blanket and cover the rooted areas with 4 inches of mulch, hay or straw. Once the warm weather returns simply remove the burlap and the root covering and enjoy your tree.

How to plant a Windmill Palm Tree

You must dig enough wide hole for the roots of your tree so that none of them are bent. Also make it deep enough for the roots to be well covered. For better tree growth a wider hole is better.

Chip away at the sides of your hole to  break any compacted soil, this will make it easier for your tree's roots to growth beyond the initial hole.

Carefully place your tree into the hole and spread its roots.

Now you need to start filling in the hole with soil carefully covering over just the roots. Gently pat down the soil a little and then water to help the soil settle around the roots.

Continue with adding new layer of soil, repeating the process of patting it down slightly and watering to help the soil settle and fill in any air holes. Fill in up to original ground level.

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